It's Not Just Words That Speak

Here's another Q&A response I posted on LinkedIn regarding non-verbal communication skills and how they can be best used in your professional life.

I'd like to add two thoughts to the excellent previous responses. First - just as your voice is your instrument for verbal communication, your body is your instrument for non-verbal communication. You want those two instruments to play in harmony - on the same sheet of music. If they don't harmonize, your audience will have the same reaction you would if you were listening to a duet and one musician began playing a very different tune that the other - or even the exact same song in a different key. Both musicians may be playing masterfully but the result is still confusing, discordant or even annoying. In short, your body and your mouth are an inseparable communication duet and they must be on the same sheet of music every time you communicate verbally - every time. Yes, even on the phone, you can "hear" a smile. Second - ALL the ways you communicate are a big part of your personal brand. And strong brands do not develop by accident or luck. Decide exactly what you want people to think when they say your name. Then communicate accordingly. Shakespeare figured it out back in 1599 when he wrote, "All the world's a stage..." And, yes, I agree that this communication stuff is far, far easier said than done (no pun intended).

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